Frozen Large Coffee And Walnut Loaf Cake

Packaging: BOX OF 4

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Frozen Large Coffee And Walnut Loaf Cake (Non-stock Item)

Selected by Classic Fine Foods offers a range of products to answer the local needs of its customers for essential and affordable products while answering the new market trends. They strive to bring chefs new solutions at a reasonable price, without compromising on quality.

Frozen Pastry Desserts Range Selected by Classic Fine Foods is a collection of convenient pastry solutions with recipes created by our Pastry Chef Denis Dramé MCA.

Frozen Large Coffee And Walnut Loaf Cake is a light cake batter baked in a mould with coffee frosting and walnuts. The cake will stay moist for seven days.

Frozen Large Coffee And Walnut Loaf Cake is the perfect cake for afternoon tea.

Store in the freezer at -18C. Defrosting time: 24 hours in the fridge at 4C.

23 x 9 x 8cm

Allergens: Milk, Eggs, Gluten, Nuts


Data sheet

United Kingdom

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