Salaison Targe
Created in 1892, Targe has been making saucissons for several generations and offers only the highest quality. Targe uses ancestral methods in the purest artisan tradition to craft their unique products with intense yet subtle flavours.
In 1970, Targe was the first to offer a saucisson with green peppercorns, an idea that has since been replicated many times. In more recent years, the consumer demand for new flavours has meant they have extended their range to include products featuring fruits, cheeses and spices.
The company believes in using natural ingredients and methods. The company uses meat sourced only from pigs bred in France and raised on a natural diet. They only select premium cuts and use exclusively natural casings for their saucisson. The saucisson are aged for 4-6 weeks and no industrial methods to accelerate the maturation process are used.